What To Expect

While many are advertising that they are NOT the church of your grandparents, we embrace the “old paths” which were the paths that saw people saved, lives changed and true revival. Our services follow a more conservative, traditional format.

Hymns are sung out of the hymnbook, and the King James Bible is the only textbook for our faith. Occasional “amens” are heard during both the singing and the preaching, and the spirit is one of liberty, not legalism.

We do not pressure anyone to give a certain amount, dress a certain way, or be someone he or she is not, but we will teach you what the Bible says, and then it’s up to you what you do with these truths.

Is this the right church for you? Maybe, IF you have a desire to learn the truth of God’s word and how to study it. While we are NOT a fancy church, we are a local body of believers striving to please God, a people who love God and each other.

If you are interested in the truth, we’d like for you to visit with us. This is truly the only way to see who we are and what we are all about.