
Blessed Hope Baptist Church originally began as “Berean Baptist Church” when brother Joe Minnerup, his wife Rose, and a few other families decided to leave Dakota Baptist Church in October of 2002. Brother Minnerup had already been in the ministry for many years in Minnesota and North Dakota after graduating from Massillon Baptist College under Dr. Cummins. Brother Minnerup had also served on staff at Dakota Baptist Church until he felt called of God to depart, and form Berean Baptist Church. In 2005, God allowed this little church to purchase the Hebrew synagogue in town, and this building is where they met to worship for the next 17 years, and still do to this day. During the 20 years as the pastor of this Independent, Fundamental Baptist church, brother Joe saw God work in many wonderful ways, with all of the highs and lows which accompany church growth and the battle scars thereof.

In 2010, our LORD brought brother Richard North to Minot, ND from San Diego, CA to join this work. Pastor Minnerup and brother North became well acquainted, having the same Spirit and spirit. Brother North preached under Pastor Minnerup’s authority and approval, went door-to-door sharing CHRIST’s Gospel with the lost together, taught adult Sunday school, and also taught in the Berean Baptist Bible Institute for a season. Eventually brother North departed this local church body, but was still never out of touch completely with Pastor Minnerup or this ministry. As time went on, our Lord saw fit to allow age and dementia, leading to Alzheimer’s disease, to set in and overtake Pastor Minnerup’s ability to think clearly, preach, and be the effective undershepherd of this local flock. In November of 2020, the Holy Spirit led brother North back to this church where he worked together with Pastor Minnerup in the ministry once again. Little by little over the next two years, Pastor Minnerup began to do less and less as brother North picked up the mantle of this fading man of God. By November of 2022, it became obvious to everyone left in the church, which had now dwindled down to just a few attending families, that it was time for Pastor Joe Minnerup to officially step down as the pastor of Berean Baptist Church. Brother Richard North was voted in as the Interim Pastor on November 27th, 2022, and brother Joe Minnerup was acknowledged now as “Pastor Emeritus”. The Holy Spirit compelled brother North to take the Biblical approach of Nehemiah – Survey the damage and the rubble which had amassed around the ministry, Pray, Fast, Pray, and then sound the rallying cry to “Re-Build The Wall!”. Within a full year’s time, GOD had already removed and replaced certain sections of “the wall” as HE saw fit so to do, and then on December 31st, 2023, the unanimous vote of the remaining church body moved by The Holy Ghost renamed this work of HIS – Blessed Hope Baptist Church. Pastor Emeritus Joe Minnerup and his wife, Rose, still attend Blessed Hope Baptist Church, receive a generous monthly retirement stipend from the church, and he is called upon to open each service in prayer, as our LORD Provides him the clarity of mind and words to utter. Interim Pastor Richard North and his wife, Kim, will continue to serve our LORD at Blessed Hope Baptist Church until THE CAPTAIN of their salvation Gives the next “Change of Orders” from Heaven – A-men!!